Nuk keni asnjë infomacion se kush janë hotelet më të mira nëpër botë, atëherë ne ju paraqesim disa prej hoteleve më të veçanta në botë.
Zbuloni se për çfarë bëhet fjalë:
1) COMO The Treasury, Perth, Australia
2) Hotel Matilda, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
3) Umaid Bhawan Palace (Taj), Jodhpur, India
4) Summer Lodge Country House Hotel, Dorset, England
5) Virgin Hotels Chicago, IL
6) Waterford Castle, Co. Waterford, Ireland
7) Hotel Unique, São Paolo, Brazil
8) The Lodge at Ashford Castle, Co. Mayo, Ireland
9) Hotel Il Pellicano, Tuscany, Italy
10) Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern, Switzerland
11) Canaves Oia Santorini, Greece
12) Ellerman House, Cape Town, South Africa
13) Thompson Chicago, IL
14) Eccleston Square Hotel, London, England
15) Gibb’s Farm, Ngorongoro, Tanzania
Burimi i lajmit: http://www.cntraveler.com/gallery/the-best-hotels-in-the-world
Burimi i fotos kryesore: © Pixabay https://www.pexels.com/photo/coconut-trees-holiday-hotel-idyllic-261137/